aspic | | Textual description of line art to EPS or SVG converter |
astyle (V) | | Free, Fast and Small Automatic Formatter for C, C++, C++/CLI, C#, and Java |
awf | | Text formatter (nroff-clone) written in awk |
bat | | Clone of cat with syntax highlighting |
bibclean | | Prettyprinter and syntax checker for BibTeX bibliography databases |
biblook | | Indexing and searching tools for BibTeX bibliography databases |
bibparse | | Syntax checking tools for BibTeX bibliography databases |
bk | | Terminal Epub reader |
bsdgrep-devel | | BSD version of grep as in NetBSD src/usr.bin/grep |
btparse | | BibTeX parsing library |
c2html | | Converts a C source tree to hyperlinked and colored HTML |
cabocha | | Yet another Japanese Dependency Structure Analyzer |
catdoc | | Converts MS Word, Excel and Powerpoint files to plain text |
catdoc-tk | | Tk interface for MS-Word to plain text converter |
cawf | | Simplistic nroff-like formatter in C, like awf |
cdif | | Word context diff |
chasen | | Meta package of ChaSen, Japanese Morphological Analysis System |
chasen-base | | ChaSen, Japanese Morphological Analysis System |
cityhash | | Provides hash functions for strings |
cjose | | C implementation of JOSE |
cldr-emoji-annotation | | Emoji annotation files in CLDR |
cmark | | CommonMark parsing and rendering library and program in C |
cmark-gfm | | GitHub fork of cmark |
cmigemo | | Migemo library implemented in C |
coccigrep | | Semantic grep for the C language |
colorit | | Utility for coloring output |
convertlit | | Convert Microsoft Legal Reader format eBooks into open format |
CRF++ | | Yet Another CRF toolkit |
crimson | | implementation of JAXP, SAX, and DOM |
crush-tools | | Collection of tools for processing delimited-text data |
csharp-xapian | | C# bindings for Xapian search engine |
csvkit | | Suite of utilities for converting to and working with CSV |
csvtomd | | Convert your CSV files into Markdown tables |
csvutils | | Command-line utilities for managing CSV data using libcsv |
cwdiff | | Color wrapper for wdiff (word diff) |
dadadodo | | Analyse texts for word probabilities and generate random sentences |
db2latex | | Set of XSLT stylesheets converting DocBook to LaTeX2e |
dblatex | | DocBook to LaTeX Publishing |
detex | | Remove LaTeX commands |
dict-client | | Dictionary Service Protocol client |
dict-dictionaries | | Dictionary data for DICTD |
dict-mueller7 | | English-Russian dictionary by Mueller for dictd |
dict-server | | Dictionary Service Protocol server |
dictem | | Dictionary client (RFC-2229) for [X]Emacs |
diction | | GNU version of diction and style |
diffr | | Yet another diff highlighting tool |
diffsplit | | Splits a unified diff into pieces which patch one file each |
diffstat | | Display a histogram of diff changes |
dikt | | Dictionary protocol client for KDE |
discount | | Markdown C implementation |
docbook | | SGML DTD designed for computer documentation |
docbook-simple | | Simplified DocBook XML DTD |
docbook-website | | DocBook XML DTD for building websites |
docbook-xml | | XML DTD designed for computer documentation |
docbook-xsl | | Docbook XSL modular stylesheet |
docbook2mdoc | | Convert DocBook documentation into man pages (mdoc) |
docbook2odf | | Convert DocBook documentation into ODF documents |
doclifter | | Translates documents written in troff macros to DocBook |
dsssl-docbook-modular | | DSSSL stylesheets for the DocBook DTD |
dtdparse | | Reads an SGML or XML DTD and constructs an XML database |
DWB | | Original Documenter's Workbench Release 3.3 |
dwdiff | | Word level diff program |
eb | | C library for accessing EB, EBG, EBXA and EPWING CD-ROM dictionaries |
eblook | | Interactive command-line interface for EPWING electric dictionaries |
ebook-tools | | Tools for accessing and converting various ebook file formats |
ebview | | GTK2 based EPWING dictionary browser |
emacs-dict-client | | Emacs package for talking to a dictionary server |
emacs-muse | | Publishing environment for Emacs |
enca | | Extremely Naive Charset Analyser |
enchant | | Generic spell checking library |
enchant2 | | Generic spell checking library |
epubcheck | | Tool to validate IDPF Epub files |
epubpreflight | | Tool to validate IDPF EPUB files |
erlang-fast_xml | | Fast Expat based Erlang XML parsing library |
erlang-fast_yaml | | Fast YAML native library for Erlang / Elixir |
erlang-jiffy | | JSON NIFs for Erlang |
erlang-p1_xmlrpc | | Erlang XMLRPC implementation with SSL, cookies, Authentication |
erlang-stringprep | | Fast Stringprep implementation for Erlang / Elixir |
erlang-yconf | | YAML configuration processor |
expat | | XML parser library written in C |
expatobjc | | Objective-C Wrapper for Expat |
ezxml | | Easy to use C library for parsing XML documents |
FlightCrew | | EPUB validator |
flyspell | | Emacs/Xemacs on-the-fly spell checker |
fmtlib | | Formatting library |
fop | | Print formatter driven by XSL Formatting Objects (XSL-FO) |
freepwing | | Free JIS X 4081 (subset of EPWING V1) formatter |
freexl | | Library to extract valid data from an Excel spreadsheet |
gdome2 | | Gnome DOM (Document Object Model) engine |
git-delta | | Viewer for git and diff output |
glimpse | | Text search engine |
gnome-dictionary | | GNOME application to look up definitions |
gnome-doc-utils | | Documentation utilities for the GNOME project |
go-chroma | | General purpose syntax highlighter in pure Go |
go-diff | | Diff, match and patch text in Go |
go-glob | | Go glob |
go-goldmark | | CommonMark compliant Markdown parser in Go |
go-inflect | | Inflect library for go |
go-kr-text | | Go package for manipulating paragraphs of text |
go-md2man | | Uses blackfriday to process markdown into man pages |